Steven Richard turned one in July and has been “going” ever
since. He is a super happy, “get into everything” little boy, who
just loves being part of his older siblings' activities. He also
adores his little brother and never misses the opportunity to bestow
many generous “loves” upon him.

Liliana Crystal will be three next month and is learning new things all
the time. While still very behind in her language development,
she is attempting new words every day. Her ability to communicate
via sign language is phenomenal, however, and she is often asked if she
is deaf! She has caught up developmentally in her physical
abilities, and just adores playing house -- especially cooking --
with her siblings. |

Shana Marie, who turned five in November, is still a fire ball of
cuteness. She has many people at church wrapped around her little
finger as she charms her way into their hearts. At home she is
constantly on the move as temper tantrums are mixed with endearing hugs
and “Broadway quality” acting. She has discovered novels this
year and if missing, she will often be found huddled in the library
reading such things as “Hardy Boys”, “Boxcar children” or anything
having to do with princesses! |

Matthew David was six in June and was thrilled this year to lose his
first tooth! Matthew loves anything to do with the kitchen and
learned this year to make bread – both sweet bread and yeast
bread. A quiet soul until friends are over, he can often be found
coloring, drawing and reading. He is an excellent bike rider and
loves to be outside exploring the woods, tormenting the chickens and
digging in the garden with his siblings. |

Miriana Celeste will be eight at the end of this month and is eagerly
anticipating her baptism the following Saturday. Miriana is the
“mother hen” of her flock of siblings and takes pleasure in that
role. She has been a great help to her mother with the little
ones and when not tending, loves to find a quiet place to read, write
stories and draw.

Alexander James turned nine last month and cemented in the fact that
building and engineering are his passions. He loves anything
related to roads, freeways and bridges. He can often be found
either drawing his intricate creations on sheet after sheet of paper or
“building” roads with blankets and other odds and ends through the
hallways of the house. He has also, in the last month developed a
love of origami – both traditional and creations he's dreamed up.
With his siblings, he will spend hours creating and flying paper
airplanes. |